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Image Makeover For Men
SAR 3,500.00 Including VAT

* Our image makeover for men will help you build on all the elements necessary to dress well and look current.

When you understand more about the effects of colour, styles and how they work with your body shape, you will find it easier, and quicker, to shop for clothes you enjoy wearing.

By showing you what is special about your natural colouring and build, and by taking your personality and lifestyle into account, a colour me beautiful image consultation will give you simple guidelines to help you make the correct choices, faster.

An Image for Men consultation includes essential information on how to dress for success and specifically:

Selecting and combining shades that complement your natural colouring and enhance your appearance for formal and casual wear

Identifying the best clothing styles, cuts and fabrics for your build and your lifestyle

Developing a co-ordinated wardrobe, ensuring that you get value for money out of any clothing investments

How your hair, accessories and eye-wear can affect your image

Duration: 3-4 Hrs

Includes: 42 colour swatches, and a personalized workbook with hints and tips and a book ‘Image matters For Men’

Colour and Style can be done seperately & tailored to your specific needs.

* Rate base out of Riyadh. Additional charges will be added to rates in the region when quoted.

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